With the launch of Google+, I have come to realise (as I am sure you have too) that I am on too many social networks right now: I am member of Quora, BlogHer, Google+, Facebook, LinkedIN, Twitter, Technorati, Digg, Gov…
Everyone gets that feeling in the pit of their stomach. You know the one. You’re in your car at a stop light and your eye catches the sign on the side of the bus stop: “You just proved outdoor advertising…
In my first two posts about Twitter chats, I pointed you to a list of Every single Twitter chat and then, once you were overwhelmed, explained How to find the right chat for you. So, you’ve picked your chat. Now…
Here, I’m going to give you a little spoiler: don’t buy Mom any tech that’s targeted to Moms. Period. I came across an article on Ubergizmo for a rumored new HTC Bliss phone, which is being touted as an Android…
Beyond my purely geeky jobs, I’ve worked in or collaborated closely with comms and marketing for a dozen years. When something happens in the news related to a company’s handling of design, marketing, comms or PR, I usually pay attention.…
I’ve been recently hearing more and more about women-only tech & blogging & business conferences. Frankly, the more I learn, the more I find myself torn. As a young woman in tech, I fought against a bunch of evils including…