Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay Back in 2009, the now-defunct User Experience Working Group was a foundling in the Government of Canada (GC). We were a bunch of practitioners who self-organized into a team that worked on making user experience design…
Image source: nugroho dwi hartawan on Pixabay First of all, let’s agree on one principle: Collaboration doesn’t just happen. You can’t just schedule a meeting and expect that the people who will be in attendance will collaborate. Collaboration is “the…
This video presents a short case study demonstrating the application of service design methodology in an accelerated fashion to evaluate the design of a government program. Topics covered include: rapid initiation (getting started right away), examining all facets of the…
Every week or so, I get a connection request on LinkedIn, a cold intro (BTW those are so uncool), or an email from someone asking some form of the following: I would love to have a coffee chat and…
This video presents a short case study demonstrating how applying design methods and tools to internal design work helped to instill a culture of design across a national government program. Topics covered include: adopting co-design as the main method of…
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay Every month, I get requests from people in my network and complete strangers to “explain over coffee” any of the following: The state of UX in government How to build UX into a government…
In a conversation about civic tech, I commented: “Truth is, we don’t need a tech panacea; government needs more service design. Honest-to-goodness end-to-end omni-channel ‘big D’ Design, aimed at serving citizens.” After 15 years working inside government (plus another 7…
It’s been an adjustment, working from home. Since the pandemic started, my staff has experienced isolation, ill family members, death of loved ones, demands of homeschooling, health scares, spousal job loss, and whole host of other concerns which would be…
Source My friend, Sage, and I were invited to give a keynote address at Algonquin College’s Human-Centred Design post-grad certificate program for graduation yesterday. We were asked to speak about the importance of the UX community and any other topics…
In January 2018, I wrote a Twitter thread about how some user experience projects tend to pay lip service to user-centered design rather than being actual user-centered design. I used the term “UX Theatre” to describe the phenomenon. Based on the…