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This week, I was asked by the London School of Economics and Political Science if they could publish my “Hacking is a Mindset, Not A Skillset” essay on their blog, “LSE Impact of Social Sciences“. In its entirety. (All 4,500 words of it!)
Here’s a bit about their blog:
The Impact of Social Sciences blog is run by the LSE Public Policy Group, and is a hub for researchers, administrative staff, librarians, students, think-tanks, government, and anyone else interested in maximising the impact of academic work in the social sciences and other disciplines. We hope to encourage debate, share best practice and keep the impact community up to date with news, events and the latest research.
My kind of people!
I particularly love the intro they provided for my post:
From MIT’s famed pranks to Silicon Valley’s approach to design, core values drive the clever, ethical, enjoyable, excellence-seeking behaviour of a civic-oriented hackers mindset. Tanya Snook makes the case for everyday hacking and provides five principles that you can use to rethink situations, re-evaluate problems, and hack everything you do.
I might need to ask if I can use that one for future presentations 😉
As usual, the content is assigned a Creative Commons license, so it can be taken, adapted and re-used accordingly. If there’s something in there that you like, please feel free to appropriate it (I just ask for proper attribution per the terms of the license 🙂
Check out the post, entitled: “Hacking is a Mindset, Not a Skillset: Why civic hacking is key for contemporary creativity“
And don’t forget to get hacking!